Stuff I’ve built that might be useful for others.
Multicolor LUTs
LUT simulations of Multicolor 1928-1932 and bipack Technicolor III 1927-1932 processes with tanning variations.
LUT - look - $5
Technicolor IV LUTs
LUT simulations of Technicolor No. IV 1932-1954 processes with beamsplitter variations.
LUT - look - $5
Technicolor II and III LUTs
LUT simulations of Technicolor No. II 1922-1927 and Technicolor No. III 1927-1932 processes with tanning variations.
LUT - look - $5
2-strip & 3-strip Technicolor Aviator LUTs
LUT simulations of the Technicolor 2-strip and 3-strip processes used on The Aviator.
LUT - look - $5
Restart the revolution with big centered text on screen, just like Jean Luc Godard.
FCPX - title - free
PATHÉ Tinting & Toning
LUT simulations of Pathé's colouring techniques from 1896 – 1909 of tinting, 'tein- ture' and toning, 'virage' (without the exposure to uranium ferrocyanide).