Fram 171
In 2001 Josh Bertwistle and I had the pleasure of surveying two of the kayaks in the collection of the Fram Museum in Oslo, Norway.
Fram 171 is Hjalmar Johansen’s kayak. Two kayaks were built aboard the polarship Fram in 1895 and used by expedition leader Fridtjof Nansen and Fram crewmember Hjalmar Johansen in their attempt to reach the North Pole.
- Fram Museum Kayaks [alternative link] [HTML]
Fram Specs [PDF]
A survey of one of the kayaks (at the Fram Museum in Oslo, Norway) from Fridjof Nansen's bamboo and canvas kayaks from his 1895 attempt on the north pole.
Sea Kayaker
August, 2003.
Josh Bertwistle, Flemming Sorvin
- A copy of Hjalmar Johansens kayak
Anders Thygesen built a copy of Hjalmar Johansen's kayak. - Craig O'Donnell's The Cheap Pages, a web site about Nansen's bamboo kayak that inspired me to do my survey.