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Vancouver 2000

Vancouver 2000 still


99% of vital forces effecting our lives is invisible. A time lapse of the year 2000, as seen from a web cam mounted on the Simon Fraser University library.

At least that's the blurb I wrote when this played at the Antimatter Festival. The review on the street outside afterwards was, "The films were good, but that Vancouver 2000 one was crap." I let the reviewer know that film was mine and laughed on the way home.

At the time of making, I didn't have a camera, I didn't even have an edit system, so I made a film with what I had and the burdens I carried. Separated from my film school, and the city it was in, I guess the nostalgia drew me back to try and capture something in that year, and not just grow a year older.

The SFU University Drive North web camera is still operating. Late nights, I sometimes still visit it, so I guess I'm still making this movie.

Technical Specifications

Images collected with a Macintosh IIci, some level of hacked together automation to download and save images that I can't remember and assembled with stolen time on a Final Cut Pro workstation. Thanks to my dad for maintaining the computer download while I went away for a week on vacation.

SD, colour, stereo.